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Tagalog translation from Modern English to Tagalog dictionary online for the word each:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
Each , prep . - Bawa’t , bawa’t isa , balang isa .
each - bawat
each - bawat Each one . Bawat isa .
away - 1) a quarrel , dispute 2) to quarrel (with each other) -- mag-away 3) to quarrel with somebody-- mang-away , awayin
Bandurya - or bandurria , a short neck lute of Spanish origin with twelve to fourteen strings , the fourteen string bandurya most traditional with three treble courses having three strings each , two lower courses with two strings each , and a single bass
bawat - each ; every ; as in BAWAT ISA ; everyone , everybody
buno - 1) to wrestle -- MANGBUNO , BUNUIN 2) to wrestle each other -- MAGBUNO
each - bawat Each one . Bawat isa .
hawak - to hold each other by the hand .
kapit - 1) to hold , to grasp -- KUMAPIT , KAPITAN 2) to attach to , to connect to --- IKAPIT 3) to hold on to each other , to join -- MAGKAPIT
kita - 1) earnings , salary , wage 2) to earn -- KUMITA , KITAIN 3) to meet , to see each other -- MAGKITA
langitngit - shrill , creaking sound (produced by rusty hinges or the rubbing of bamboo stalks , floor boards , etc . , against each other)
lapit - to assume positions near each other ; to take something close to someone
marang artocarpus odoratissima , a large aromatic fruit containing segements each enclosing a seed
panay - all ; each and everyone (of a group)

Tagalog dictionary

English to Tagalog and Tagalog to English dictionary Online

Welcome to the world's largest and most popular free Modern Online English to Tagalog dictionary & Online Tagalog to English dictionary with spell check! This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Tagalog to English translation or English to Tagalog translation. The number of words available for search in this dictionary has already reached 70,000 and is still growing. You can use this as a Thesaurus also. In addition to providing you the matching Tagalog words for your search, it also gives you related Tagalog words with their pronunciation.

You can use this dictionary in two ways : translate English words to Tagalog, translate Tagalog words to English and translate numbers to Tagalog words. The aim of this site is to help you to learn Tagalog words and Tagalog numbers easily.

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